Packing System

The Packing System is an advanced, automated solution for packaging and storing ferroalloy products, such as FeSi and FeSiMn. It features a feeding bin, vibro feeding system, belt conveyor, conveyor hoist system with rope, and a transfer car with a weighing system.


The system is designed for maximum efficiency and accuracy. It begins with the loading of the final products into the feeding bin by a wheel loader. The product is then fed onto the conveyor belt via vibro feeders and is automatically weighed by the system. The filling process is completed when the bag reaches the desired weight and is automatically stopped.


The filled bags are then transferred to the storage area by a crane, where they are securely tied up by the operator. This ensures that the final products are properly packaged and stored for sale. The Packing System is an essential tool for any organization looking to streamline its packaging and storage processes.


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